Sunday, June 26, 2016

TCA Chemical Peel to Get Rid of Dark Spots, Melasma, and the Mask of Pregnancy

I never thought I would have a problem with dark spots. I made it through 2 pregnancies and into my late 20's with no problems. I would have never guessed by my late 20's and early 30's I would be fighting to get rid of dark spots on my face.

Then my third pregnancy came. I don't know if it was because I was carrying a girl since my first 2 were boys or if my hormones just got out of wack, but one thing is for sure the "mask of pregnancy" did not look cute on me!

So it's been 5 years since I got the pregnancy mask, and it never went away! It fades in the fall and winter and comes back strong every spring the second I enjoy the sun. For me it is a tricky situation. I have kids and a garden that provides 50% of our food throughout the year. Staying out of the sun for any amount of time is not much of an option. I use plenty of sunscreen, it doesn't help me a bit!

The list of things I have tried is LONG!!!!! Not just long either, pretty gross too!

  • Lemon
  • Garlic
  • Lemon mixed with garlic
  • Glycolic Acid
  • At least 8 different types of dark spot remover
  • Skin Bleach
  • Boiled onion
Oh the list is awful! The sad part is the most this did was lightly fade the spots just for them to come back darker than ever. None of it was actually removing the top layer of skin so it just slightly faded the top layer instead of helping me get rid of dark spots for good.

Thankfully the I Max 45% Trichloroacetic Acid Serum-Deep Chemical Peel  takes off the top layer of skin. I used the TCA chemical peel with I Max Plant Stem Cell Cream. These are both products specifically meant to work together to make my skin better. 

Using TCA
I Max 45% Trichloroacetic Acid Serum-Deep Chemical Peel

I diluted the 45% by adding 4 parts water to 1 part TCA. By doing this you will not get as big of a peel. However your skin has to get use to the TCA peel chemicals. Even if you have done glycolic peels in the past, TCA is a lot different. Your skin can be very damaged if you just jump straight in with a full strength TCA peel.  

Always do a test patch. I did mine on my lower jaw. When I didn't have an allergic reaction I went ahead with doing the peel. 

  • Wash your face well
  • Mix 1 to 1 baking soda and water
  • Mix TCA 45% with 4 parts water
  • Apply Peel with a cotton ball 
  • Rinse when it becomes too uncomfortable or at 1-2 minutes
  • Apply the baking soda mixture while rinsing to stop the burning feeling
  • Use nothing the first day on your skin
  • Avoid the sun no matter what

    Using I Max Plant Stem Cell Cream 



    Once you have done your peel you want to give it a day or 2 before applying anything that isn't all natural to your skin. Coconut oil can be great for soothing the skin after a chemical peel. Just rub organic coconut oil lightly on the face. Be sure not to rub hard. 

    After two days you can start putting sunscreen on in the mornings, but remember to get one with as few ingredients as possible. I use children's all natural SPF 50 any brand. The sun can do a lot of damage on your skin. You should not be laying out or standing in the sun for prolonged periods of time after a peel. The point of the SPF is to protect you from the sun coming through windows or while you are driving or even making a fast run into a store. 

    In combination with SPF, now you can start using your I Max Plant Stem Cell Cream. This is a plant based formula, but it works well at helping the peel start to best get rid of dark spots and wrinkles. Since it can cause some people to develop bright red skin it is best to try it in the evening before bed. 

    Thankfully it did not make my face red, but it did burn a small bit. Nothing bad though, and by the next day after the first use, light peeling started. 

    Continue using it in the evening as needed. 

    Results - As of now I am still peeling. However I can already see the difference. The skin that has peeled on dark spots has left fresh skin below without the darkness. 

    Pairing these products has been great for getting rid of dark spots. I am also seeing improvement with fine lines on my forehead between my eyes from my years of squinting in the sun. 

    I definitely love these products! By winter I expect to be able to stay out of the sun long enough to do a full peel!

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